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Top 10 Apps like Pendo Note

4.81625 800
 800 votes - Productivity - iOS 15.0&up - First release: 2014-01-30T23:21:15Z

# 50K reviews at 4.9 star globally; 10+ times featured by App Store # Entirely free - IAPs are just for at-will donations :) Got an idea? Be it a jou.. Read more

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4.67039 3756
 3756 votes - Productivity - First release: 2011-11-17T23:17:49Z

Now you can automatically sync with all iPhone calendars, write your todo list, create notes with photos, check the weather and more, all with Awesome Calendar! This elegant application keeps you orga.. Read more

4.85309 29815
 29815 votes - Productivity - First release: 2020-04-09T07:00:00Z

Sometimes we just need to plan our days to make better use of the hours. Sometimes we just need our days to be more ... Structured. Structured is an app for people who need structure to their life or.. Read more

4.61901 13575
 13575 votes - Productivity - First release: 2015-05-28T06:34:39Z

Get Timepage – the most intuitive and delightful calendar app you’ll ever use. It's a powerful and fun way to get organized! “Fun to use and provides essential consolidated information in a way that .. Read more

4.4101 40629
 40629 votes - Productivity - First release: 2019-02-12T08:00:00Z

Capture ideas when inspiration strikes. Bring your notes, to-dos, and schedule together to tame life’s distractions and accomplish more—at work, at home, and everywhere in between. Evernote syncs to.. Read more

4.37431 6743
 6743 votes - Productivity - First release: 2018-11-15T08:26:05Z

Looking for a safe place for your secrets and memories? Diamond Diary Notes With Lock is the perfect journal app for you! Write about your dearest moments, ideas, write your love story and lock your n.. Read more

3.75585 13029
 13029 votes - Productivity - First release: 2013-10-30T12:49:53Z

Fantastical is the multiple award-winning calendar app with powerful features including intuitive natural language text parsing, beautiful full calendar day, week, month, quarter and year views, tasks.. Read more

4.8708 57083
 57083 votes - Productivity - First release: 2012-05-11T07:00:00Z

AnyList is the best way to create grocery shopping lists and collect and organize your recipes. Easily share a list with your spouse or roommates, for free. Changes show up instantly on everyone’s iPh.. Read more

4.67529 10089
 10089 votes - Productivity - First release: 2009-09-12T19:59:14Z

Errands is a task manager with a pleasing design and is easy to learn and use. Crafted with a blend of basic and advanced features: Folders, Checklists, Task Images, Scheduling & Repeating, Alerts (al.. Read more

4.70871 155098
 155098 votes - Productivity - First release: 2017-04-19T12:44:06Z

Stay organized and manage your day-to-day with Microsoft To Do. Make shopping lists or task lists, take notes, record collections, set reminders and more to improve your productivity and focus on what.. Read more

4.79624 83902
 83902 votes - Productivity - First release: 2012-11-18T08:00:00Z

Ranked as “the best to-do list right now” by The Verge, Todoist is used by 25 million people to organize, plan and collaborate on projects, both big and small. Use Todoist to: • Capture and organize .. Read more